Sunday School

Sunday School is extremely vital  in the overall growth of the church.

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Sis. Yvette Hurst
Sunda School Ministry Leader

Sunday School is extremely vital in the overall growth of the church.

Some people question the importance of Sunday School, but without Sunday School you eliminate the practical teachings of the WORD of GOD, consequently destroying the life-line of growing the church and ministries. Sunday School is an excellent way to get a better understanding of the Holy Scriptures and also great for small group discussions.

Also, access our Sunday School classes by clicking here, or clicking the button below. We'd love for you to join us!

Sunday School Online

Also, check out our Sunday School Media to see the difference activities we do, outside of the Sunday School class.

Sunday School Media

Sis. Yvette Hurst
Sunda School Ministry Leader

Sunday School is extremely vital in the overall growth of the church.

Some people question the importance of Sunday School, but without Sunday School you eliminate the practical teachings of the WORD of GOD, consequently destroying the life-line of growing the church and ministries. Sunday School is an excellent way to get a better understanding of the Holy Scriptures and also great for small group discussions.

Also, access our Sunday School classes by clicking here, or clicking the button below. We'd love for you to join us!

Sunday School Online

Also, check out our Sunday School Media to see the difference activities we do, outside of the Sunday School class.

Sunday School Media