Evangelism Ministry
Deepening the knowledge of Jesus Christ for the purpose of a rich relationship with Him and to share of His Good Works.
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Evangelism Ministry
Evangelism/Discipleship Mission:
To counsel, encourage, and equip new disciples with a solid foundation of the Gospel.
Vision Statement:
To lead every new member from decision to discipleship
- Love For God, One Another:
Our highest purpose is to respond to God’s love by loving Him with all of our being, and to love others as we love ourselves. - Live An Exemplary Life:
As God’s children, we are able to be holy and pure, demonstrating the difference it makes for Christ to live in us. - Make Disciples:
Christ has called us to partner with Him in making disciples. This includes witnessing to the lost, taking the Gospel to the nations, teaching and training the believer. - Use Your Spiritual Gifts:
Because God has given every believer special enablings, we are to employ these gifts in ministering to others while revealing Christ’s presence in our lives. - Be Good Stewards:
We acknowledge that God owns everything and all we have is a gracious gift from Him. We have been placed in trust by God to use His gifts wisely to meet our needs and to bless others. We believe we have a corporate responsibility, as well, to work together to protect our environment and be responsible members of our world, nation, local community and church family. - Respect Family:
Believing that home and church are the two divinely appointed institutions; we should do all to participate in and protect and bless our personal and church families. - Excellence:
We believe that the life of Christ in us makes it possible to live life on its highest plane. Therefore, all we do should reflect a commitment in giving our best, doing our best in all things at all times.
Evangelism Media
Evangelism Ministry
Evangelism/Discipleship Mission:
To counsel, encourage, and equip new disciples with a solid foundation of the Gospel.
Vision Statement:
To lead every new member from decision to discipleship
- Love For God, One Another:
Our highest purpose is to respond to God’s love by loving Him with all of our being, and to love others as we love ourselves. - Live An Exemplary Life:
As God’s children, we are able to be holy and pure, demonstrating the difference it makes for Christ to live in us. - Make Disciples:
Christ has called us to partner with Him in making disciples. This includes witnessing to the lost, taking the Gospel to the nations, teaching and training the believer. - Use Your Spiritual Gifts:
Because God has given every believer special enablings, we are to employ these gifts in ministering to others while revealing Christ’s presence in our lives. - Be Good Stewards:
We acknowledge that God owns everything and all we have is a gracious gift from Him. We have been placed in trust by God to use His gifts wisely to meet our needs and to bless others. We believe we have a corporate responsibility, as well, to work together to protect our environment and be responsible members of our world, nation, local community and church family. - Respect Family:
Believing that home and church are the two divinely appointed institutions; we should do all to participate in and protect and bless our personal and church families. - Excellence:
We believe that the life of Christ in us makes it possible to live life on its highest plane. Therefore, all we do should reflect a commitment in giving our best, doing our best in all things at all times.
Evangelism Media